Thursday, May 14, 2015

Hitler came to power because of these accidents

- If you have ever wondered what combination of events have brought us to where we are today, then you would probably also like to look more closely at the lives of Hitler and his rise to power peaks. Hitler's life is filled with countless death threats and coincidences that, even if one of them should not go exactly as it happened, certainly would have drastically changed the course of history.

Hitler almost sinks

On a cold day in January 1894, a young boy was playing with some children, he went down on the thin layer of ice on the river Inn in Passau, Germany. He broke the ice underneath. He fell into the icy waters and tried not to take water currents below it. Johann Kuehberger, son of the owner of a house nearby could hear his calls. Johanni ran to the river and sank immediately to rescue the helpless child. The rescued the boy from drowning and hypothermia. He was the youngest son Adolf Hitler, only 4 years old. Later in his life, Adolf Hitler would not ever mention that childhood was threatened death. History was discovered recently by cut pieces of a German newspaper of the time, which had reported the news. His Savior, Kuehberger later would become a priest.

The escape from the angry mob

A few years before Hitler came to power in Germany, he had been simply another right-wing agitator, carrying hot speeches in Munich. After a particularly provocative speech, Hitler was followed by a boisterous crowd of 200 men. Corporal Adolf Hitler lay on the ground, while they kicked until bloodiness. Some members of the crowd of boisterous brought bayonets and were ready to end Hitler. But at that moment, eight armed men intervened and stopped. One of the men was an Irishman named Michael Keogh. A strange koençidencë is that Hitler had fought alongside Keoghut in WWI. Michael Keogh later almost was executed by Nazi agitators during the famous "night of long knives".

Gas attack during World War I.

In a battle in 1918 in Belgium, a young corporal named Adolf Hitler was hit by a British shell with mustard gas, which could have easily taken the life. Ten thousand soldiers were killed by gas in World War I, but Hitler was not one of them. Once Hitler was hit by shells of gas, he was temporarily blinded and was taken to a German hospital near the battlefield. Unfortunately for the rest of the world, Hitler had no serious damage, and blindness soon disappeared. He could continue to fight in World War I, shortly after he recovered. Recently, medical documents show that Hitler had not suffered from gas that temporary blindness. This came as a result of nerve disease, or as doctors call "ambliopike hysteria". Hitler was so frightened by the incident that he stopped using mustard gas on the battlefields of World War II.

A British fighter saves lives

By the end of the war, British soldiers took and repaired a bridge that the Germans had broken up specially for the car to stop traffic to a French-occupied city. After their fight was won, a young British soldier, Henry Tandey, stopped to rest, after being wounded by German soldiers during the war for making the bridge. Precisely at that moment, he saw a German soldier who had just come out from cover and had gone behind some shrubs. Tandey took the sign, but lowered his rifle when he saw that the soldier was wounded. German wounded soldier was Adolf Hitler, 29 years old. When asked about this act of mercy in 1940- en, Tandey said: "I did not want to shoot a wounded man." Later Tandey would have loved to had been less merciful, when he and the British will face again with Hitler in World War II.

Car accident

According to Otto Vagener, a Major General Nazi and Hitler's economic adviser, Nazi dictator almost died in a car accident in 1930. At March 13, 1930, a large truck with semi-trailer collided with Mercedes Hitler. The driver of the truck stopped in time and stopped the truck, before shkërmoqte with Adolf Hitler's car inside. Vagener Otto was a passenger. Six months later, Hitler and the Nazi party took power in Germany. Could any words said as a truck driver came after her. Had there been a second later by the setback, he could have stopped Hitler's rise to power, or at least would have damaged so as to stop the career. A statement signed by Hitler insurance for injuries suffered his Mercedes turned to eBay in 2000. The vendor claims that a German insurance company had discovered 70 years after it was recorded.


Despite Hitler's extreme nationalism, a Harvard-educated German and his American wife were part of his inner circle, before he came to power in Germany. Ernst "Putzi" Hanfstaengl and his wife Hellen met initially with Hitler when they moved to Munich from New York, in 1921. Shortly after, Hellen be saved Hitler's life. The couple heard his speech at the beer hall in Munich and then, they were always obsessed tyrant calls. Hitler became a close personal friend Putzi-in and Hellen renewal, even attended the couple's apartment often. They even participated in the coup by which the Nazis tried unsuccessfully to receive power in Germany. Later, the three flew to the couple's home outside Munich. Here Hitler became hysterical, as was facing charges of high treason. "Now everything is over; no sense to continue! "he had said. Further, he had asked pistol in a drawer nearby. But before I turn from myself, Hellena and took his weapon and sent away. A little later, the house was surrounded by police. Police raided the house and took away Hitler.

Avoiding death penalty

After the arrest, Hitler was accused of treason. The penalty for treason in time of the Weimar Republic was dead. And yet surprisingly, Hitler never sentenced to death in connection with charges of treason in 1923. Shortly before the trial of Hitler, the Weimar government declared a state of emergency and drastically changed its System.Unfortunately justice. Consequently, Hitler would not have a trial by a jury, but his fate will decide special court. The judge assigned to the case of Hitler, George Neithardt, was actually fascist sympathizer of Hitler's views and even he took part in Nazi groups of the right wing during this time. He neither tried to commit a court session worthy of the name and allowed Hitler to hold public lectures, turning the trial into a kind of propaganda machine to spread its political messages. While harsh speeches Hitler spread to the general public, he went to the top of the fascist policy, which would allow it to take power by the Nazi party a short time later. Hitler was technically sentenced for treason, but instead to take the death penalty, he was sentenced to five years in prison, of which he served only nine months.

The sudden death of the mother of Hitler

You can expect to read about rejection from art school as an accident that formed his life and later history, but it was no accident. Hitler was a terrible artist, that there shall not be accepted from any art school, where he had applied. However, an event around this time might have had a greater impact; His mother's death. Hitler's mother, Klara was quickly diagnosed and died from cancer at the age of 47 years. Hitler was very close to his mother and called her death a "dreadful blow" to Mein Kampf. It is assumed that he believed that his mother's death was not the result of breast cancer. He thought that she was poisoned by a Jewish doctor. Later, this unexpected event may have inspired Hitler's hatred for Jews, who would later come to postpone implementation Holocaust. It was Hitler's mother, Klara, who persuaded him to pursue his dream of becoming an artist, a dream which he will leave after her death.

Sudden attack Lenin

One of the biggest turning points in the history of mankind must have been sudden shock and the resulting death of Soviet revolutionary Vladimir Lenin. If Lenin had not suffered attack, or if he might have survived as long as the consequences could appoint Leon Trotsky-in as his successor, the world would not be cursed with the regime of Joseph Stalin and perhaps even regime Adolf Hitler. In his last testamenitn, Lenin, Stalin ordered to be removed from his position as general secretary. He certainly would not have wanted her to rule the Soviet Union. However, Stalin reversed the trust of Lenin and made his way to the position of leader of the Soviet Union. A good part of the rise of Hitler and his strategy for World War II was based on non-attacking pact with Stalin, who stopped the Soviet Union to attack Germany, as it began efforts for world domination . If Lenin had not suffered attack, or if Trotsky had been the leader of the Soviet Union, no such pact ever existed. Trotsky was the first world leader who denounced Hitler and fascism was spreading in Europe at the time. He wrote: What are Hitler but human dust? "He worked actively with the German Communist Party to stop Hitler and the Nazis, before they came to power. He could have intervened militarily to stop Hitler, who in the beginning of World War II, if Lenin would have been able to appoint him as successor. Trotsky was also Jewish. If he would have become the leader of the Soviet Union, it would have been çfuti most powerful in modern history. If someone would have reined Holocaust, this would have been Trotsky. Unfortunately for mankind, after Stalin took power after the death of Lenin, Trotsky was exiled from the Soviet Union. He was later killed by Stalin's people in Mexico.

Failed assassination attempt of Johann Georg Elserit

Perhaps you have heard of the famous assassination of high-ranking officials to kill Hitler in July 1944, as shown in the Tom Cruise movie "Valkyrie". But there is another less known assassination attempt, two years before the start of World War II. Not like Valkyrie plot, the assassination was carried out by a "lone wolf" who did not take the mighty position in the Nazi party. He was a German carpenter named Johann Georg Elser - the original name of Travis Bickle. Elser was an ardent leftist in Germany, k that put all the opposite side of Hitler and the Nazi party. The Communists would be the first by Hitler and the Nazis will be executed when they came to power. After the Nazis seized power, Elser held so great contempt for Hitler and his politics that he left his job as a carpenter and started work in a bomb factory. Its specific purpose was to use a new career to kill Adolf Hitler. In his new job in Valdenmaier armaments factory in Heidenheim, Elser ensure supplies to build a bomb of his own. Once built a bomb able to kill Hitler, he spent a month to empty from within a pillar, under the platform where Hitler will hold his annual speech. He put the bomb before Hitler came to trustees thereof, promoted it to explode while carrying Hitler speech. But this particular speech of Hitler shot was shorter than usual. Due to bad weather, Hitler left the podium a few minutes before the bombs explode Elserit. When this happened, eight died and 60 were injured, but Adolf Hitler was not one of them. The father of the wife of Hitler, Eva Braun was injured by the attack. After the assassination, Elseri tried to flee to Switzerland, but was caught at the border. He was imprisoned and finally executed.

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