Thursday, May 14, 2015

Land preparation and planting of tomatoes in greenhouses

Cultivation of tomato in protected environments is a very complex and delicate process, which is performed through the correct application of a range of interventions agronomic, such as preparing soil for sowing and planting of plants, determining the planting density, pruning, programming first fruit formation, removal of leaves, pollination, fruit size optimization, training of plant nutrition, harvest and harvest time.

Greenhouse microclimate control - This control is essential to the success of the cultivation of tomato and executed through manual or automated control of temperature, relative air humidity and carbon dioxide.

Based on the determination of optimal values ​​of these indicators is the intensity of lighting in the greenhouse.

The temperature regime - is important in determining the production of tomato plants as the temperature requirements vary depending on their phenological phases. Regarding this, the following table we present the required temperature regime in the greenhouse.
Light regime - Production of tomato significantly reduced if we have limited lighting in the first phase of its cultivation. Since growth is limited by the supply fruit carbohydrates formed in the leaves, where as a result the amount of solar lighting that reaches the plants, the first priority of the tomato growers should be the maximization of the intensity of photosynthesis of the plant cover.
It is important that most of the light that reaches the plants to be accepted by their leaves, especially from those of the tip of the plant. To achieve this, it requires the cultivation environment and seedtime appropriate density, in order to allow rapid growth of leaf surface.
Increased CO2 concentrations up to 1000 ppm, is an effective way of compensation limited lighting and maximizing early production. On sunny days, without adding CO2 artificially lower the tomato plants in the greenhouse CO2 concentration to 250 ppm. For every 100 ppm CO2 increase artificially above this level (250 ppm) there is potential opportunity to increase production to 2.6 kg / m². Problem is that the greenhouse with CO2 enrichment in the summer is costly if greenhouse windows are open, for the simple reason that he would leave the atmosphere.

Water regime - water requirements are enormous, although tomatoes known for resistance to water stress. Moisture in the soil should be 70-80% of its water holding capacity, while air humidity should be 50-70%. To achieve these requirements, the plants require frequent watering, but water controlled rates.

Preparation of the greenhouse and the soil for planting - After harvesting the preceding culture, greenhouses cleared of plants, cords, weeds, etc. waste plastics. Afterwards, followed by repair the greenhouse structures, ventilation systems, heating, irrigation etc.

Earthworks should be deep, 30-40cm, that the fall in its depth superficial layers, the physical structure of the full damaged wintering reserves of parasites and salts, to be replaced with layers They found more depth. Works deep soil before followed by one or several work surface, shallow, reaming, lesime, LEVEL etc., Until the formation of a suitable rooting bed.

Before becoming the main proceedings, on the ground distributed organic fertilizers, while in very poor soil and a phosphorus and potassium fertilizers. Meanwhile, back in the days before preparatory work distributed bulk of chemical fertilizers, which are intended for basic fertilization and that part of pesticides is planned for chemical disinfection of soil.

Depending on the fertility of the soil, the intensity of infection by pests, ways of planting plants and distribution of pesticides, can be made to the entire surface or generations. Thereafter, irrigated land and greenhouses left closed for some time. This is done in order to reactivate the soil microbial flora.

Depending on the mode of planting the plants, the soil may be left flat or raised vlla frame. Raised flowerbed formation creates enough advantages to the way the first (flat form of cultivation) because the soil warms up faster and more (flowerbed temperature was 2-3 ° C higher than that of flat land) and drains better and faster. For this reason, the root system of plants grow better and is more active, especially in the early planting. Planting in raised vlla is necessary for heavy soils, they salted and those with a high level of groundwater.

Flowerbed formation may be associated with mulçirimin land, which is applied to maintain moisture in the ground, to limit the development of weeds, improve soil temperature in the area where the plants root system extends etc.

Planting seedlings - greenhouses planted with quality seedlings, the land previously prepared in which after the formation of the flowerbed, in their length, stretching tubes systems drip irrigation. After that, if the land will mulçirohet, plastic sheets placed on them which are fixed, by covering with and on both sides of the flowerbed.

A few days before the start of planting, watering becomes a relatively high dose of water and then the land is left in such a state, so that at the time of planting in the soil water content is 70-80% of its ability aquifer. Seedlings are placed in the estimated distances of the plants in the row, flush with the ground surface. If the land is mulçiruar, previously cleaved plastic sheets with a circular or round. Immediately after planting, become irrigation water at low doses (0.5-1 liters per plant), to provide fast connection with the land plants

Plant Connection - carried out after planting and as longer be saplings, the sooner have connected. Traditional connection string in the base of the stalk of the plant, now being replaced with simple insistence latest string to the ground near the plant. About delays, especially when the plants are long bent, can cause the breaking of the plant.

After connecting carried twisting, normally a twist for every lulëri. Twisting advised sqetullimit done before, because if you accidentally cut off a tip upward, could be a sqetullor to continued growth.

Planting density - depends on cultivar, production and anticipated life expectancy of the plant. The density ranges from 2 to 4 plants / m². For tomatoes grown with a maximum of six floral, density goes up 4 plants / m², to be appropriate.
For longer periods of cultivation (20 stories or more), the density of planting the plants should be 2-3 plants / m², depending on the growing season. In the early sowing, the best density is 2 plants / sqm, while in the late planting density preferably 3 plants / sqm.

Pruning - applied to the rupture of the top of the plant, to interrupt the growth of plants in height and the elimination of lateral offshoots. Cutting the peak favors the growth of fruits and thus, provided greater weight them. Therefore rupture of the top of the plant, at the end of the growing season, it is always of interest. Prune tomatoes all shoots (sqetullorët) side, with the exception of those who are left to control the density of stalks of plants per unit of land area. Sqetullorët carefully removed no later than have formed a leaf, because delay their removal causes growth and development disorders as a result of competition for asimilate, and thus delay the performance of this action causes larger wound on the stalk and become a source of infection.

Removing the leaves - the leaves on the plant development and their life expectancy is dependent on temperature, so at high temperatures (28 ° C), a certain leaf becomes infectious, 76 days after its release. In the same conditions, leaf fully matures 56 days after its release, or after the formation of 7 floral and starts the aging after 76 days. This means that at any time the plants must be held no less than 21 leaves and, as a minimum, their number can go up to 27-30 leaves. The average temperature 18-21oC, maximum leaf should be held in a plant is 30-33, while generally floral in which the fruit has begun rash released from the leaves. Very fast removal of leaves from plants is not desirable, because it reduces the ability of the plant assimilation.

The leaves can be removed rhythmically, from one per week, but this can also be done simultaneously removing two or more leaves at certain intervals. Defoliation done to reduce Breaking vegetation because plants can have problems connecting fruit, then to improve air movement in plants and thus reduce the risk of disease, and also improves the removal of leaves and fruit ripening uniformity The color of the fruit in limited lighting conditions. Care must be taken in rows side of the greenhouse, less leaves removed, in order to better protect the fruits from solar burning

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