Friday, May 15, 2015

Mysterious Places in the world

Mysterious countries in the world are many, and each country has its own mysterious story, which is indicated by one generation to another. Famous magazine "Forbes" has taken the initiative to do an analysis of which countries are puzzling, based on real facts and irrefutable evidence.

Zone 51

A more modern, but retains an extraordinary charm: Area 51 in Nevada. The territory of the United States is an area of "top-secret", where nobody, except members of the US military can not enter. According to legend, this is where the US government has or has had contact with extraterrestrials, who are kept confidential public for various reasons. Among other things, according to one of the most famous theories of UFO conspiracy in 1947, after the explosion of a space rocket UFO in Rosuell, in New Mexico, the remnants of the rocket and the crew were transported precisely in Zone 51 .

Ueçester Country

Among the areas most puzzling is Ueçester Kauntri, in upstate New York, where the writer Washington Irving decided to establish his "Legend of Sleepy Hollow"; It said that in these territories still wanders a knight at night, looking head lost in combat. Every year from 26 to 28 October there is an event acting, where actors recreate again this mysterious story.

Australian Montekristoja

Invernes lake in Scotland, known for the presence of Locke Ness monster. The first appearance of this monster dates back to the 6th century BC, but even today there are many tourists who show that they have seen signs of its presence in the lake. Classification of the most mysterious and closed Montekristo Homsted Xhuni city in Australia. According to legend, in this place are the ghosts of ten people who once lived and then died here. Among them is the girl haunted house owner, Christopher William Krauli, it's a pregnant kameriereje jumped from the balcony and a gardener.

Bran Castle

The country that wins this unusual classification is Bran Castle in Brasov, Romania. Legend tells that in this country lived bloodier Vladi, who BRAM STOKER encouraged in the 1800s to write the novel "Dracula". Vladi was a terrible leader, to kill suspected enemies and traitors of his less orthodox ways. Today, the castle was converted into a museum, but according to the magazine "Forbes", it did not rid the castle no mystery that surrounded him beforehand: "If you walk in the castle rooms, - writes magazine - can rethink trials against witches, beheaded executions and hangings in the rope, that Vladi ordered by these walls ".
Tower of London

Tower of London. Established in 1078 by Vilhelm Conqueror, from hundreds of years she is described as a place of souls: one of these stories tells that even today the ghost of Anna Bolenës night, second wife of Henrikut VIII who was killed inside these walls, walks into rooms tower with the severed head in his hands, looking for her husband traitor, who killed him, only because he wanted to marry another woman.
Catacombs of Paris

The most mysterious of the world are Catacombs of Paris, even those located near the city center and there are skeletons of Parisians who have lived in centuries past. In the twentieth century and returned to the museum are many visitors who say that in some cases have seen ghosts or heard screams of people dead.

Fifteen interesting facts

1. Byzantine Empire lasted exactly 1123 years and 18 days, from 11 May 330 until May 29, 1453 year that was occupied by the Ottoman Empire.

2. In the sixteenth century, Belgrade, that was not Serbian town, is called by the Hungarians and Turks Nandorfehervar Darul-Jihad (holy war House).

3. The eyes of newborns excrete tears in the first 6-8 weeks.

4. In some parts of China, instead of sugar, salt portray tea.

5. The main component of chili peppers, twenty times stronger than the usual, which is capsaicini but healing effects of enforfinës stimulates the secretion, the hormone of happiness

6. No two giraffes with the same sequence of signs, if there are two identical striped zebra or two people with the same signs stop.

7. Elvis Presley, according to the results of the autopsy, at the time of death was 10 different drugs in the body.

8. Two to fourteen percent of children suffer from sleep walking.

9. French king, Louis XIV, wash once a year.

10. Indeed gum containing gum.

11. Harvard is the oldest university in the United States of America.

12. Gold is the first metal that man has discovered.

13. originally bagpipes are made from whole goat skin.

14. Release of balloons is the national sport in Thailand.

15. Bombarderi B-25, on July 28, 1945 hit the floor 79 of Empire State

Microsoft, Windows 10 will come with 7 versions

The new operating system of Microsoft, Windows 10 will come with seven versions: Home, Mobile, Pro, Enterprise, Education, Mobile Enterprise and Core IOT.

There was Redmond company has announced the news on her blog, stating that the system will start operating this summer, without specifying an exact date. The expected version is Windows Home, available for personal computer and tablet.

"We designed Windows 10 to provide a more complete experience on a wide range of devices," says Microsoft.

Windows 10 Home is hosted version, focused on everyday use. Inside will be found a good part of funksionove that have been so far: Cortana voice assistant, browser Edge, Continuum for tablet mode, Windows Hello to recognize the face, the apple of the eye and the digital data of users.

Windows Mobile 10 will be dedicated to pajijsje smaller and portable, with specific functions for interactive touch screen.

Thursday, May 14, 2015

50 facts from the life of Albert Einstein

Albert Einstein was the most famous scientist who ever lived. One of the achievements that turned the page of the history of science was the equation E = mc2. He won the Nobel Prize in 1921 for work in connection with the photoelectric effect. He developed the theory of relativity, which had been completed in time, but it took 25 years to understand others. His contribution to the view of the world changed radically. Before Einstein, some things believed as true. Among them were, and the laws of gravity and falling bodies, mentioned earlier by Isaac Newton. Also at that time it was believed that time itself was a physical constant: everyone and everything experience over time as everyone and everything else. His theory of Special Relativity predicted that this was not true and was later confirmed by experiments with nuclear clock.

Einstein's name today is synonymous with the word find. Albert Einstein is one of the greatest minds of the 20 th century. Some of his ideas about science, nature and faith may surprise you. Not for nothing is chosen Person of the Century by Time magazine. But, did you know that Einstein was born with a head so big as his mother thought he had not been born deformed? Or that he had a secret child who married before? These and many others in today's specialen Tirana Observer.

1. Einstein was a healthy babies with a big headache

When Albert's mother, Pauline, the bare, his head was so big and crooked, as she thought that was not warped. Because the end of the head was too big, the family thought was not monster. However, while the weeks passed they realized it was a child almost normal to others. His grandmother said he cried is healthy, is healthy, when he expected to give birth. Unlike the first impression, Albert grew normally, only that it was a little slow.

2. Einstein had difficulty speaking

As a child, Einstein spoke rarely. When you do, it speaks more slowly. The thought of all the sentence in the head and whisper before him. He did this regularly until the age of 9 years. Parents feared was not delayed, but certainly later turned out that their fears were unfounded. This is called Einstein syndrome.

3. When Einstein spoke for the first time

A historian has created the joke apparently. His parents were concerned that he would say nothing. When an evening spoke and said soup is hot, parents asked why he had not spoken before. He replies: Because everything was in order.

4. Einstein was inspired by a compass

When Einstein was five years old and the sick in bed, Dad told something was sparked interest in science: A compass. While standing hypocritical father issued a simple pocket compass. It was new Einstein cared was that whenever nderronte box position, the needle back in the same direction. He thought there should be some force in what was considered empty space that made the needle to move. This incident is more common in childhood famous, is often mentioned in many stories of his life.

5. Einstein remained in the entrance exam to college

In 1895, at the age of 17 years, Albert Einstein applied to enter the Swiss Federal Polytechnic School (Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule). He passed the exam of mathematics and science to the entrance exam, but remained on the contrary. Among the subjects that did not go well was the history, foreign languages, geography and others. Einstein must enroll in a trade school before ribente exam and finally was admitted to the same university a year later.

6. Einstein had an illegitimate child

In 1980, Einstein's private papers have discovered something new for genius. There was a girl with former student unlawful Mileva Maric, who later married. In 1902, a year before marriage, Mileva gave birth to the family of parents in Berne, a girl named Lieserl, which Einstein never saw it and for which it is not known anything. She was baptized and lived with the family of Mileves. Later it says died of fever in September, 1903. In the correspondence of the couple says that is given for adoption after birth. In the letter of 19 September 1903 Lieserl Einstein-Maric stated for the last time.

7. Einstein proposes a strange contract

After he and Mileva were married, they had two sons, Hans Albert and Eduard. Academic success and traveling around the world had their price. He distanced himself from his wife for some time, the couple tried to deal with the problems. Einstein proposed a strange contract to live with Mileven. The conditions were that the clothes were clean and ironed, you conte three warm meals in the room, that room and studio were clean, except for the working table, that she stop speaking when he demanded to . She agreed and he promised that foreigners would consider any other woman. After divorce, the relationship of Einstein with the rock great son. Hans blamed the father for separation from Mileva and after Einstein won the Nobel Prize and money. He gave her only interest and not big amount of the price. Their quarrels were added when Einstein rejected marriage with Frieda Knecht son because it was big and ugly. When they married, Einstein asked the boy not to make children, as this would make it even more difficult divorce. Even Einstein's mother had rejected marriage with Mileven. When the son immigrated to America, they remain separate.

8. Einstein, the favorite of women

When Einstein Mileven divorced in 1919 (adultery is considered as one of the reasons), he married cousin, Elsa Lowenthal. In fact he wanted to marry with elses daughter from a previous marriage, Ilse, 18 years younger than he, but she objected. Unlike Mileva, elses main concern was the care for her famous husband. She knew and tolerated betrayals and relationships thereof, which later revealed to his letters. Originally betrayed secretary, Betty Neumann. His correspondence shows that he was connected with six women, among them a Russian spy.

9. pacifist who invented the atomic bomb

In 1939, alarmed by the proliferation of Nazi Germany, Leo Szilard persuaded Einstein to write a letter to US President Franklin Roosevelt, where he warned that Nazi Germany was building a nuclear bomb and the United States suggested to develop the bomb them. Einstein's letters and Szilardit regarded as one of the reasons that Roosevelt launched the Manhattan Project to develop the bomb, although later it was discovered that the bombing of Pearl Harbor in 1941, the government persuaded more than their cards. Although it was brilliant physicist, considered the military as a security risk and is not invited to the project.

10. Einstein in Albania

Who could have thought that the great physicist has violated Albanian land? And not only that. He was fitted with Albanian passport by King Zog, as a defense that he gave the most famous Jew of the 20th century to. Although for very little time, Einstein in 1931 remained in the port of Durres, awaiting ship.

11. Brain toured the jar for 43 years

After his death in 1955, Einstein's brain was removed without permission of the family of Thomas Harvey was heading autopsy. He's got brains at home and later was dismissed because he refused to hand over the body. Many years later, when Harvey got permission from Hansi to study the brain, scientists sent a few pieces worldwide. One of them was Marian Diamond of the University of Berkeley, which found that he had more cells in the part of the brain that was responsible for synthesizing information. His brain neurons, which was bigger than normal, better communicate with one another, due to the absence of a wrinkle called cutting silviane. Other studies suggest that the brain of Einstein was cramped and inferior lobe, which deals with skills in mathematics, was greater than the normal brain.

12. Einstein's brain Saga

In the early 1990s, writer Michael Paterniti traveled to California together with doctor Harvey to meet Einstein stermbesen. They traveled from New Jersey to the large family car, while tundej Einstein's brain in a jar in the trunk. Paterniti few years later he wrote about his experiences in the book in the car with Mr. Albert: A journey through America with Einstein's brain. In 1998, 85-year-old Harvey gave brain doctor Elliot Krauss, staff pathologist at the University Priceton position that Harvey had before. He says: As I have kept the brain for decades as if it were a holy relic, and for many it was so, and I left with a free end. I gave him the pathology department at Princeton Medical Center, where Einstein spent the last 2 decades. He tired of the responsibility that I had. Now I am calm.

13. did not want to exhausted mind more than needed and liked to stay barefoot

Apart favorite sport, sailing (sport that requires less energy), Einstein shunned any recreational activity skillfully advocated mind. As he told the New York Times, just end it projects you have in hand, I do not want to deal with anything else that requires intellectual work. When I was young, I discovered that the leg thumb always make a hole in socks, he once said. Therefore wore no socks, he continues.

14. I do not follow fashion and there never ever learn to write English

Einstein was a stubborn fanatic. He refused to dress as it advised, whoever he was or what. People or people knew, or did not know at all, he reasoned, so it was important we did not see the same suit a whole year. Although he lived for many years in the United States and good speaking both languages, Einstein says he has never been able to write in English, due to the imposition of the unfaithful. He never lost his distinctive German accent I vill a little t'ink (I Will a little think)

15. smoked like chimney

One member be a pipe smokers Club, in Montreal, Einstein is quoted as saying: Smoking a pipe contributes to the trial with calm and objective human issues. Once it fell into the water during an expedition to the boat, but managed heroically to shore llullen his hand.

16. He had ZET science fiction literature

In order not to be confused with pure science and give people false illusions regarding scientific reasoning, he recommended complete abstinence from any kind of literary science fiction. He also suggested that people who have seen flying discs must keep them for themselves. Einstein relax in his kitchen with faithful violin, stubbornly trying to improvizonte something that felt like melodic line. When it does arrive, he returned to Mozart.

17. Alcohol was not preferred drugs

In a press conference on his arrival in New York in 1930, he said, making jokes to prohibit alcohol: I s'pi, equally so for me it is. In fact, Einstein was critical open to laws that can not be imposed.

18. The equalizing monogamy with monotonine

All marriages are dangerous, once told interviewer. Marriage is the unsuccessful attempt to do something to extend by one incident. Man widely known that he was unfaithful, which tended to fall in love with someone else after just had exchanged promises.

19. remembered birthdays there

With the belief that the birthdates were for children, he summarized his position in a letter that he wrote to girlfriend Mileva Maric: Loved my little heart ..., first my heartfelt congratulations on your birthday yesterday, which again forgot.

20. There was no citizenship for 5 years

He was not a citizen of any country for about 5 years! Since 1896 (when he refused German citizenship at the age of 15-years) to 1901 (when it became Swiss).

21. She did not want to do high school exams

Contrary to popular belief, he remained at the high school. It went very well until the age of 15-years. She did not want to stay in that year that he had left and tried to do the entrance exam for the college, in which remained, and still had to finish high school.

22. Why the language brought famous picture

Einstein's birthday was wrecked by a plurality of photographers. Tired of them, he took language in the hope that I would derail picture. (As if it was actor nowadays it will have to withdraw apparatus from the hand). Certainly his plan got back to cover. Since the scientist had a reputation as one of the strange, the picture was seen as another example of his irascible charm and became one of his pictures of beautiful.

23. What was the capacity of intelligence

Einstein's intelligence capacity was 160. People considered smart. Bill Clinton is the highest this figure. The truth is that online quiz to assess intelligence was invented later, so do not Einstein never did. it is better to say that it was much smarter than you and I together.

24. Einstein believed in God

Einstein was Jewish; Jewish by the people of God. He objected to the random nature of quantum mechanics, and said God does not play dice. Among the most famous phrases of his are: Before God are equal in wit and equal in budadallek, God always chooses the simplest way, I want to know all thoughts of God; all the rest are details.

25. Why was not present at the Nobel Prize?

Was not present in December 1922 to receive the Nobel Prize in physics, he was in a trip to Japan. During this time he made many international visits. He visited Paris before December and a year later visited Palestine. After recent scientific discovery, in connection with waves and matter, in 1924 he made other visits, but this time in South America.

26. The origins of the humble

Einstein was born in Ulm, Germany, on 14 March 1879 at the address Bahnhofstrasse 135, which was later bombed by allied forces in 1944. His parents were middle-class Jews. They called Hermann and Pauline.

27. Geometry and philosophy

Favorite subjects in school were geometry and philosophy. He liked so much geometry as he began to study at the age of 12-years. Even philosophy was important to her, as was the study of the universe and the meaning of life. It encouraged to seek answers. He studied philosophy every Thursday with a student named Max Talemy of medicine who join his family for dinner.

28. The first work that made

Albert never has had to work until his family moved to Milan, Italy. There he found work first in a Swiss patent office in Bern and stayed for seven years, using free time to study physics and to write articles for local universities.

29. Aspects of life that liked

Nature and music occupied the first place. Einstein liked to wander in nature. His walks were thought and forget the time when the whole world. Love for music took him from his mother. He never gave up the violin. When he became too old to play with him, he was sitting and listening to music in his record.

30. Money does not help humanity

He wrote in 1934: I am fully convinced that no wealth in the world does not help humanity to progress, even in the hands of the most devoted worker for the job and Money attract only selfishness and invite abuse.

31. reasonable way to education

In a letter which he wrote a young girl in 1934, Einstein wrote: There are so many ways of education in the world, especially in American schools. The only reasonable way to learn is to become an example, if it out, a warning example.

32. Notes to the Theory of Relativity sold 6 million dollars

In 1944, his letter where he wrote Theory of Relativity, early in 1905, was taken in the auction. It gathered 6 million dollars and today manuscript is located in Library of Congress. Nowadays we would probably sell for more, but at that time it was a record.

33. Man with friendly of time

He was born in Ulm in Germany even though the family moved to several different countries to live, he liked more hometown. During his walks in the city cheered and gave her hand to anyone to see.

34. Einstein President

In 1952, Einstein was offered the presidency of Israel, because of his beliefs, but refused. Order of the universe was evidence to that God existed. He also was a pacifist and war published the book Why ?.

35. When did the Nobel Prize

In 1921 Albert Einstein was awarded the Nobel prize for his work to photo-electricity. Many of his theories include atomic bomb, radiation treatment to cure cancer, laser development and exploration in space.

36. Life expectation at birth

Albert passed away at the age of 76-years. He left on 18 April 1955. The last 22 years of his life spent in the Institute of Advanced Studies in Princeton, New Jersey. In that small town to college, Albert was a familiar face. every day, polite gentleman with gray hair out from the office to home and always stopped to talk to passers.

37. The characteristic appearance

He was known for snow-white beard and crazy hair. But how were the natural hair? They were black, as pictures appear in the new age. Since at that time all the pictures were black and white, very curious and have put in doubt the fact, but were black, typical for Jews.

38. After Germany in Oxford

In 1921 he received the Nobel Prize, but with the rise of Nazism, he moved to England. There taught at universities in Oxford and Cambridge, before moving to the USA. Upon arrival in the United States Einstein moved to California, land of beaches and sunny winters. There became a professor at the Institute of Technology in Pasadena, California. Also he taught also at Princeton University.

39. sought to remove the atomic bomb

Einstein did not ever expect what will happen in the future with nuclear bombs. In the November 1945, he addressed the issue magazine Atlantic Monthly; repeated request in November 1947. In connection with the atomic bomb suggested that to surrender one-world government established by Russia, the US and Britain. Wrote at the time, nuclear weapons were not so strong as today.

40. Einstein refuses money and hated what

Princeton University appointed an amount for salary. He was asked to put themselves this much. University had decided to 10 thousand dollars per month, but Einstein asked only 3 thousand dollars. He also refused a pension of 7,500 dollars per year, and considered as very generous. Pension was reduced to six thousand dollars. With them bought a modest house, he went to work and never had any machine. hated what? The only things that were out there like barber and socks. Einstein never visited barber that did not need a new model hair, liked the old one more.

41. How and where the children had passed away

Total Einstein had three children. A girl, Lieserl, and two sons, Edward and Albert. New Alberti later became engineering professor at Berkley University. His son Edward was schizophrenic. Second wife had two children, Ilse and Margot. Einstein died in 1955 at the hospital in Princeton. The brain was removed for study and was maintained in Wichita, Kansas. There was placed in the laboratory of Dr. Thomas Harvey, the former chief pathologist of Princeton University.

42. philosopher who influenced and subjects s'kuptonte

At the age of 13-year-old Einstein studied the ideas of the philosopher of the 18th century, Immanuel Kant. He had an important influence on Einstein's new ideas of time, space and harmonious universe. Kant also was also a wicked sense of humor and nothing honepse not pompous. Both of these features were forwarded to Einstein. Subject to bear in elementary school there was Greek. For this reason it fell infantile depression. During this time young Albert had taught himself Latin, advanced math and discovered love for geometry. Later in life he announced the discovery of Euclid, as a great pleasure in life. He refers to a book on Euclidean geometry as sacred.

43. Theory of Relativity discovered asleep

In 1905, the last riddle of the Theory of Relativity was resolved to sleep. Einstein is quoted as saying to his discovery: In my mind exploded with a storm and came the answer. A friend later said: He has entered the thoughts of God and these thoughts reveal his plan for the universe.

44. what it means E = mc2 and shows what the equation

Einstein's special theory of relativity compiled in a magazine a few years later with the legendary E = mc2 equation. This translates equation, energy = mass multiplied by the speed of light squared. The measure contains large amounts of energy. It shows what the equation? Marie Curie discovered that an ounce (28.35 grams) of radium raised four thousand calories / per hour indefinitely. E = mc2 is the basis for the discovery of how the sun and the stars have radiated light and heat during the millennia, and to the horror of Einstein, this equation shows the production of the atomic bomb.

45. The other Nobel prizes

17 years after the publication of Relativity, in 1922. Einstein won the Nobel Prize for Service to Theoretical Physics. There are several reasons why the Nobel Prize was not given as often. Relativity at that time was quite controversial and theoretical. There can be proved. The fact that the judges could not see a problem with it.

46. ​​Followed by FBI

Edgar Hoover suspected that Einstein was a communist. He spent thousands of hours to convince the FBI to condemn Einstein, but without success. Although Hoover suspected that he was a communist, he will never approve the interception of telephone or mail. After many hours of research, Hoover left the case against him and Einstein's secretary, Helen Doukas. They had collected so much as touch the ceiling folder, but none of them prove anything. Later, friends say Einstein laughed at this story.

47. Why Could theory is accepted immediately

One of the reasons that it took 30 years to most scientists support the theory of relativity is that clearing the mythical existence of ether. Ether was considered as an infinite substance in the form of gelatin, as the vehicle for the dissemination of electromagnetic waves. The existence of ether was tried several times, but it was not true. It was proven to support the theory of Maxwell, that light consists of electromagnetic waves. Waves seeking a means to travel and this tool was believed to have been resilient, strong and called ether. Relativity shook this faith, but faith in the existence of ether was so strong in mind with large, as they refused to believe that there was and put Einstein nicknamed Rogue.

48. One never forgave the Nazis never

Einstein did not ever forgive the Nazis for extermination of Jews. In 1944 he wrote: Germans as a people in general are responsible for mass murder and should be punished as a people if there is justice in the world and if there remained a little bit from the collective conscience of the world.

49. After Death

Besides his brain has not left anything tangible, since ashes thrown into a river in the US.

50. Man of the Century, by Time

US magazine Time, in 1999 and appointed as Person of the Century. In wider culture the name Einstein has become synonymous with genius.

10 Facts for Android

1-Android Android is the product of Inc. that has originated since 2003. In 2005 it was acquired by Google for $ 50 million.
2-Android operating system is open source, which is based on Linux kernel.
3-Because of its open nature, there are more than 250,000 applications (link is external) that can be found in the virtual store Android.
4-Android operating system can install on computers mobile phones, personal; laptop, tablet, Dell Streak, Samsung Galaxy, etc ...
5-While the iPhone can open only one application at a given moment, the Android phones that contain can open more than one application simultaneously.
6-The first application designed for Android is he playing with the serpent (snake).
7-The first Android phone was the HTC Dream G1, which was launched on 22 October 2008.
8-The world's first television that began to use Android is Scandinavia.
9-Each version is named realized pasta with interesting names, such as Cupcake, Donut, Eclair, Froyo, Gingerbread ...
10-All Android operating system code consists of a total of 12 million lines of code written.

Incredible facts that do not know about the Earth

The list will recognize you with 50 incredible facts about the universe, the atmosphere, the sea and the earth.

The universe

* 150 billion was the cost to the international station of the universe, which makes it the most expensive object in history;

* 6 billion kilometers is the furthest distance from Earth is photographed;

* 10 days it is the time that Tardigradi, resistant creatures in the world, can pass in the universe;

* 2 minutes is the time that one can spend unprotected in space;

* Enormous air pollution in China can be seen from space, but can be seen Chinese Great Wall;

* During the day have 24 hours - 23 hours, 56 minutes and 4 seconds represent the time required that the earth rotates around its own axis and this is called the sidereal day;

* 38,000 objects that are created by people circling around Earth by the launch of Sputnjikut in 1957;

* The land has an area that is more polished than that is the field for the game of spheres. High mountains and deep oceans 1/5000 constitute part of the perimeter of the Earth;

* NASA estimates that each day the Earth falls a leftover piece of the universe;

* About the Earth at the moment there are 22,000 objects built by man who circumference over 10 centimeters;


* 100 tons of small meteorites, mainly fragments of dust, every day enter the Earth's atmosphere;

* The largest meteorite that has ever fallen on Earth does not leave the crater afterward, since meteorites petak Hoban was certainly rejected by the earth as the stone on the water surface;

* 19 kilometers is the height at which it is necessary to place pressure clothes. If not kept clothes, water begins to boil. This limit is called height Armstrong;

* The ozone hole is shrinking. Most 2012. holes in mbështellse was the smallest in 10 years;

* 4.3 kuadrilionë dollars is the value of the atmosphere if we take a cubic meter costing 1.3 penny CO2;

* Land 8.6 million lightning strike;

* The dinosaurs could only exist once the atmosphere was much more oxygen;


* In 97 percent of Earth is fossil water, and only 3 percent of the fresh;

* The Antarctic has more ice than water;

* 1 liter of sea water contains the 12 billion of a gram of gold;

* 90 per cent of waste in the world's oceans are composed of plastics;

* Annually we describe new 2,000 marine creatures;

* Ocean represents 99 percent of the space for life on Earth;

* Every year from shark attacks 8-12 people lose their lives. Each year 100 million sharks are killed because of his sheets;

* Nearly a million species living in the oceans creatures of which two thirds should describe;

* 90 percent of volcanic activity occurs in the oceans;

* If all the water of the world have gathered in a ball he would have a diameter of 860 kilometers, as Tetus icy moon of Saturn;

* Much of the deep ocean is 10.9 kilometers and called Marian channel;


* The Earth is the only planet in the solar system that tectonic plates. Without them, the carbon can not be consumed and reciklohej and land could be overloaded;

* Rare elements are not rare. Luteciumi (Lu), a rare element, is 200 times more common in the gold layer of the Earth;

* 99 percent of gold is located in the heart of the Earth, that would be enough to circle the planet was a 46 centimeter thick wrapping;

* 5500 Celsius heat of the heart is the Earth, that is how the temperature of the Sun;

* In the heart of the Earth is solid iron sphere with a diameter of 2,400 kilometers. Although due to the heat is white, the pressure is so high that I can not melt;

* 55 tons is the weight of the largest crystal on Earth is found in a mine of Mexico;

* Under the Amazon River is the river Rio Hamza, which in some parts is up to 400 kilometers wide. He walks with a millimeter per hour speed through the rocks;

* 2.8 kilometers is the greatest depth at which bacteria were found. They live by transforming radioactivity of uranium in water and energy;


 * 40 million tons is the amount of wind carries dust from the Sahara to the Amazon;

* In Turkmestan location is called the "gates of hell". It is a gas-filled hole that switches uninterrupted for 40 years;

* 3.5 billion years it is the age of the fossils found in Australia. They are much older than the moment when Earth's atmosphere had oxygen;

* 57.8 degrees centigrade is the highest temperature ever recorded. This happened in 1922 in Libya;

* -90.2 Degrees Celsius is lowest temperature ever recorded. This happened in Antartik;

* It has been nearly 2 million years since they dropped any drop in the driest place in the world in the Antarctic;

 * The continents move each year by 2 centimeters;

* 75 percent of all animal species could be cut off during the next 300 years;

 * It is estimated that on Earth are only identified 14 percent of all species;


* Every day 200,000 people are born;

* So far in Earth 106 billion people have lived;

 * By 2050, the Earth will be 9.2 billion people;

* 2 people die every second;

50 facts about UFOs and their appearance on Earth

We live in what is called planet Earth. But since antiquity until today man has not stopped the curiosity to know what outside our planet. Is there other life in the galaxy, or even more than that, what are these beings and how to communicate with them. For this purpose in today's supplement to "Tirana Observer" will publish 50 facts from UFOs or unidentified flying objects and extraterrestrial inhabitants that we know by name aliens, facts starting from the most fantastic and almost unbelievable. We start with what scientists have called one of the greatest evidence and convincing associated with an alien autopsy in 1947. It is about the incident "Roswell", which is the subject of endless speculation and question marks. There are still many different theories about what happened in Roswell in New Mexico, where many people claim to have found the wreckage of a crashed UFO on the ground and an autopsy is performed extraterrestrial beings, which are displayed shots or even the fact that until today are millions of cases that have been seen and are filmed UFO visits. The data show that more aliens and UFOs have been seen in the US, Russia, England and Belgium, but according to the UFO, it depends on the interest of the people to be careful in distinguishing the UFO. Believed to have been developed or that we or less developed. Their technology is certainly more advanced than ours as long as they manage to do so frequent visits to our planet, but scientists who believe in their existence they are not superior to us as human. But how it is built their body and communicate with each other. Who are the most famous people who have seen UFOs by President Jimmy Carter, Muhammad Ali, John Lennon, Mick Jacker. And finally the evidence and strong statements brought out the first man landed on the moon, Armstrong Nail. He has a full conviction that aliens exist and conspiracy not only is that man has visited the moon, because there already aliens have a very strong base. The data for the design of 50 facts about UFOs are taken to the website,

1. UFOs are the initials of the words in English Unidentified Flying Object which means in English "unidentified flying object".

2. The aliens are being, or so counterparts, residents thought that living space in our solar system or other galaxies.

3. In recent years the number of occurrence of UFO thought that counted in the millions, every year there are several thousand reports of sighting, and according to surveys, only a small percentage of people have encountered such a phenomenon report.

4. So far, countries that are deemed featuring UFOs are the US, Russia, France, Belgium, Argentina, Australia, England etc.

5. Scientists think that there are people on a planet, the other who either are more developed than us or less developed. Certainly in terms of technology, they are more advanced than we are, but according to scientists, are not superior to human beings.

6. It is thought that there are several types of aliens, but the best known are those gray, who have little body, with a length as almost half of the body of a normal person. H grid are color hairless skin.

7. gray alien head is composed of two large eyes and black along with two sharp ears of bounds. There have nose, but in its place are two holes.

8. Another type alien called "aliens Aryan" called by that name because it is assumed that resemble the appearance of the Nordic people. They are thought to come from the constellation of Taurus.

9. According to the UFO, aliens Nordic thought to have human appearance, with white skin and pale, colorless lips and hair very yellow, almost white. They are very white and tall and very handsome.

10. It seems that there is a separation ndëroqeanike alien. In the US 75 percent of cases, people report that they have seen a gray alien, while in Europe the biggest ones reporting dealing with Nordic aliens.

11. "space brothers" or "space people" different from other aliens because of their human appearance and good intentions, according to witnesses who claim that claim to have contact with them.
12. "Anromedanë" is the name that was given to a group of aliens who according to the UFO from the Andromeda galaxy.

13. If the basic element of the human body is carbon to silicon is thought aliens.

14. According to experts aliens do not speak a particular language, but communicate via ultrasound.

15. The movement means have the shape of a saucer, with the tip in the form of the toy or in the form of a propulsion drive without visible or audible. Some other UFO objects are thought to have the shape of a cigar without bright window

16. According to unconfirmed reports so far, the first two astronauts stepping on the moon, Neil Armstrong and Edwin "Buzz" Aldrin saw UFOs shortly after their historic breach on the surface of the moon with "Apollo 11", on July 21, 1969 .

17. The term UFO instead of the "UFO" was first suggested in 1952 by Captain Edward J.Ruppelt first director of the "Blue Book".

19. Russian scientists assumed that they were the first to confirm the face of astronauts on the moon on UFOs. Physicist and mathematics professor at the University of Moscow Vladimir Azhazha stated "According to our information Neil Armstrong sent a message to Mission Control that two large objects are observing them as they were sitting on the moon. But the message was not heard by the public because it was never censured by NASA.

20. Specialist for items found on Monday, Richard Hoagland stated that NASA is still trying to mask photographic materials before they are published.

21. According to another Russian scientist, Dr.Alekandr Kazantsev, the astronaut who landed on the moon together with Armstrong, Buzz Aldrin had come out on the surface of the moon. Dr.Azhazha claims that the UFOs departed minutes after the astronauts took to the moon surface.

22. The National Conference on 21 March 1996, scientists and engineers of NASA who attended the exploration of the moon and Mars reported the results of their discovery. It was announced for the first time for structures and objects found on the moon. They spoke carefully. They spoke carefully about these items without mentioning UFOs.

23. According to some investigators extraterrestrial phenomena is part and Richard Hoagland, an extraterrestrial race has used Monday as terminal station during their activity on the ground.

24. According to unconfirmed evidence, when the crew of "Apollo 12" landed on the moon they saw that is monitored by a semi-transparent object shaped pyramid. According to this evidence this object hung a few meters above the surface of the moon and shining with all colors of the rainbow in the sky black background.

25. search before the Nazi flying saucers appeared in a series of articles by expert Italian Giuseppe Belluzo turbines in 1950

26. In 1967, a book written by Louis Jacques Bergier contained Paulwes and spectacular statements on secret society "Vril" Berlin. Many later writers, as Jan van Helsing, Norbert JURGEN Ratthor and Vladimir Terziski have built their work connected society "Vril" UFOs.

27. boxing champion Muhammad Ali is said to have seen UFOs on several occasions. One of those cases was when he was being trained in "Central Park" in New York with his manager. According to Ali, he raised his head up in the sky and saw a bright light, which move in parallel.

28. The singer of the group "The Rolling Stones' Mick Jagger claims to have seen UFOs several times throughout his life. One of these cases was when he was singing at a concert in California. He was so convinced of the presence of aliens, that his house has installed a UFO reconnaissance.

29. The most famous incident related to UFOs is that of Roswell, which is the subject of endless speculation and question marks. There still are many theories about what happened in Roswell in New Mexico in 1947, where many people claim to have found the wreckage of a crashed UFO on the ground and autopsies of extraterrestrial existence.

30. The year 1952 was an exceptional year in the history of American capital Washington DC. He is considered as the year with the highest number of UFO's. At that time flying saucers were spread throughout the world, including the US.

31. incident "Keckburg" is another event quite famous in terms UFO. In Keksburg, Pennsylvania, on December 9, 1956 a huge tangle of flaming was seen by thousands of people in six US states and Ontario, Canada. By this mess were broken metal pieces fell over Michigan and Ohio. Press was reported as a meteor.

32. "Rendlesham Forest Incident" is the name that is given to a series of reports on the emergence of unexplained lights and lowering an extraterrestrial object in Rendlesham forest England, at the end of December 1980. It is perhaps the most famous event of UFOs that happened in England, as compared with US Roswellit event.

33. The first astronaut who has stepped on the moon, Neil Armstrong said in October 1999: "If we rely on the best information you have, we conclude that ... life exists somewhere in space, maybe in many countries. While Musgrove astronaut Storey said: "If you rely on statistics, it is certain that there cilivizime, intelligence and extremely advanced life forms in space. I think they are so advanced that they make interstellar travel. I think it is possible and that they have violated here.

34. Former CIA Director Roscoe said Hillenkoetter on August 22, 1960: "It's time for the truth to emerge ... behind the scenes high ranking officers of the air force are concerned about UFOs, but through official secrecy and ridicule have made many citizens come to believe that the flying objects are nonsense. I am encouraging immediate action by Congress to reduce the risks arising from holding secret unidentified flying objects. "

35. People who claim to have had contact with UFOs describe these objects as large, with a diameter of about 30 meters or more, with piecemeal rotary and colorful lights. Details on earth UFOs are transplants form found in those who claim to have been abducted by extraterrestrials, the circles in wheat fields and cattle mutilations.

36. In 1948 the US Air Force (Air Force) creates project "Sing" as first officers investigating UFOs. Donald Keyhoe's article in the magazine "True" was the first report in a major journal for the existence of UFOs and that the US government was carrying hidden information.

37. According to a survey conducted in 2002 by the TV channel "Scifi", one in seven US states that had to do or know someone who has had a UFO experience. Much of the first UFO allegedly day geometric shapes oval, cylindrical and surface that look like metal.

38. In 1965, the FBI received information from a reliable source that a NASA informant giving them confidential information about UFOs extraterrestrials two researchers in Pittsburgh, USA. FBI files showed that NASA data carrying sects film about UFOs and that people had no information that the pilot of the capsule "Gemini 4" James McDivitt, had confirmed that during the first mission in orbit was "unidentified objects".

39. While there are numerous reports and speculation, some experts to support the theories of UFOs, stated that currently can not say with certainty what the planets or star systems, where there is life. While UFO observation and interaction with the land is probably old, activity has increased during World War II and in the wake of "nuclear era".

40. According to the researcher Steven M.Greer, extraterrestrial biological entities are more advanced than humans in many ways, but not superior to human beings. A common point of people with these extraterrestrial beings is our common existence of intelligent beings consciously.

41. In 1979, former chief of NASA Communications System's, Chatelaine Maurice confirmed that Armstrong had indeed reported that he saw two UFOs on the edge of a crater. Astronomer Clyde Tombaugh, who admitted that he had seen six UFOs, including the three green fierce tangle support extraterrestrial hypothesis for UFOs and stated that the scientists who reject without studying were "unscientific".

42. In 1967, the Greek physicist Paul Santorini, a scientist of the project "Manhattan" said publicly that a Greek government inquiry in 1947, which was related to "the European missile ghost", is put to the conclusion that they were not missiles. Santorini claimed the investigation was canceled by US military officials, who knew that it was about aliens and there was a fear of panic if the results made public.

43. In 1958 in Brazil Viri principal investigator of UFOs, Dr.Olavo T.Fuentes wrote a letter to the American group of UFO "APRO", which reported the information he received from two Brazilian naval intelligence officers. According to Fuentes, any government or army in the world was aware that UFOs were extraterrestrial objects.

44. Some European countries have conducted a joint study secret in 1954, which concluded that UFOs were extraterrestrial. This study was discovered by German pioneer rocketeer, Hermann Oberth, a member of the study group. In an official letter addressed to the director of the FBI, which was dated January 13, 1949, states "the issue of unidentified flying objects or unidentified aerial phenomena, known as" flying discs "or" tangle of fire "considered" top secret "

45. Jean Jacques Velasco, head of the French official investigation of UFOs "SEPR" wrote a book in 2005 which said that 14 percent of those surveyed 5800 from "SEPR" were unexplained and extraterrestrial origin. Apart visual performances, UFO cases ever quit and physical evidence including many cases studied by various agencies of different countries.

46. ​​Some of the experts who advocate the existence of extraterrestrial theories involving American astronomer James C.Barlett, Belgian physicist Maurice A.Biot, astronoautin Gordon Cooper, NASA engineer Raul R. Hill, Admiral Lord Hill-Norton, former -Head of the defense staff, the former head of NATO etc.

47. On July 7, 1947, William Rhodes photographed an unusual object over Phoenix, Arizona. Pictures appeared in newspapers and by the documents of the "Bluebook" and Rhodes claims that were contacted by some agents of the FBI, who listened to deliver negatives.

48. On 27 June 1950, a newspaper photographer "Louisville Courier-Journal" filmed a "UFO" on Luisvill, Kentucky. Files in a later interview confirmed that he met with military intelligence and that until then had movie, but refused to say what happened after the meeting.

49. The study by US forces has shown that the puzzling reports on UFOs come from people have high technical training, as pilots, astronauts, etc. Worldwide there evidence of extraterrestrial objects fallen, according to the UFO are several secret societies, which are intended to prevent the spread of information.

50. Former US president Jimmy Carter said that he saw UFO when he was governor of Virginia. For about 10 minutes, he and a group of other people have seen some strange lights in the sky, which then approached the fleeing them.