Thursday, May 14, 2015

Revealed for the first time evidence of Hitler's life in prison

Come to light details of how the German Fuehrer receive special treatment in cell Adolf Hitler enjoyed special treatment while he was in prison in 1924 and was allowed Beatty to save hundreds of guests - and sometimes unattended - including here and you when you had your birthday 30-40 . Details have emerged from prison officials documents to Munich, where he has remained. 500 pages from Landsberg prison were found by a person from Nuremberg, between documents of his father, who had bought them in a market knackers, in 1970.

 Person ciil wanted to remain anonymous said that they were inserted between a dengue books of World War I who had bought his father and that he did not know ç'ndodhej there. "The documents appear original, but have a real examination for a better look," said a specialist. Documents will appear in the July 2 auction starting price 25 thousand Euro. Although only one of the letters was signed by Hitler, they offer an intriguing window in his early days as Nazi leader. Hitler was imprisoned in Landsberg after his failed attempt failed to take power in Munich. A decade later, in 1993 the Nazis came to power through elections.

Otto Leybold, the warden tells in his memoirs that Hilteri was very polite, humble and modest with everyone, especially with the officers. Hitler spent the majority of his time in prison, detailing his ideology, while he was out of prison and spent the time thinking to build secret bunkers. One of them was Academy bunker was found buried in a man-made hill, in the western part of the city.

The designed by Nazi architect Albert Speer, the bunker is located in "Devil's Mountain", a hill with a height of 116 meters in Berlin, which is powered by 25 cubic meters wartime ruins. Unfinished buildings, in which Adolf Hitler had put the foundation stone in 1937, was designed to be part of the capital of the Empire a millennium. But problems "specific to the war", according to a memorandum Nazi, makes you work to stop only three years after its start. But historians have already created virtual images of this gigantic bunker, based on historical data. According to these views, the reception hall, built in 1936 in the garden of the Reich Chancellery Old, is what can be seen on the ground. The bunker is located right on the tarmac of dance in the reception room.

The walls of the bunker surrounded by cellars Reception hall, generator and ventilation filters. Winter Garden scales combined with the Reception Hall was supposed to unite the bunker Fuhrer apartment. The emergency exit is located in the northern part of the bunker, and an exit while another smaller is situated in the western part. After the war After British troops failed to turn their bunker postwar headquarters, the site was chosen to lay waste to the war ruins of the destroyed city. The area was then covered by grass, and none of the famous bunker will not be sounded.

"Mountain of the Devil", and later became a favorite place for skiing and family picnics. But the existence of this bunker academies do not have forgotten that the World Association of the Berlin Underground, which uncovered documents showing the academy. "Most of the faculty of underground should be still intact, despite efforts to blown. Also we know with certainty that inside is also a full complex bunkers," said Dietmar Arnold, the Association of Underground , which has found 50 bunkers in its existence of 10 years.

Hitler's psychological profile taken from the diary of a doctor

The dictator had a habit of biting nails during meals and rub the index finger to his mustache.

Secret documents highlight that Hitler believed Goebbels propaganda to and truly believed that he was "the greatest military genius of all times".

Recent findings show that Hitler had "a passive mazokizmi streak" in his relations with women.

Fuhrer's daily routine and behavior "scrabble" recorded in notes from high-level Nazis, who told him these things a British agent.

Secret documents have emerged for the first time after 60 cjetesh during a cleaning of the house that a British agent who had saved.

The document offers a stunning overview of everyday life in the bunker and mentions Hitler and doubts about his homosexuality and love of Rudolph Hess.

We blog, inter alia written, "... he does not smoke and smoking in his presence is strictly prohibited because it is very sensitive in terms of laringitit".

According to the report secret, eating at the table conversations we had about Hitler bunker that effect that was music to others and stimulate thoughts and relax.

We confidential document read: "He speaks with a soft baritone voice, saw her uncomfortable ngjirrjen heard in his public speeches. At the table and during the speech he shows many aspects of behavior of louts "

The report said, "He bites nails all the time, rubs his index finger to his mustache and manner of behavior at the table are very shocking".

The document says that Hitler ... "eat large amounts cake and it was responsible for a disorder of the digestive organs and expanding waist".

The report says, "The claims of his homosexuality and other abnormal crank are just blah and nothing else. If there was any abnormality in him is just a streak mazokizmi relations with women ".

Regarding the relationship of Hitler with Rudolph Hess, who went to Scotland in 1941, the Nazi who gave details of the report said that there had never Fuhrer as a close friend. He adds: "Hitler liked to speak with as a brother." He adds that after the flight that Hess from Germany, Hitler endured losing so stoic.

Regarding Hitler disappointment report says Goebbels techniques were so effective that a "Hitler became more susceptible to this propaganda. He begins to believe that he was a man of extraordinary ability in the art of war ".

We document that will appear in the auction in Britain read "Secret Copy No 173" and also noted "This report should be destroyed within 48 hours of receipt", but apparently it is not destroyed.

Hitler's plan

Adolf Hitler planned to create a new order, a united Europe was led by the Nazis. The European Union, the Nazis were supposed to destroy major cities and reduce the population, so as to Russia to become the under-populated, a wholly agricultural nation that can colonization of excess population of Germany. Great Britain will be invaded and it was ruled and ruled by SS Col. Franz Six, the first movement of which would be 2300 arrest of political figures, religious and intellectual leaders, starting with Winston Churchill. Then, all men aged 17-45 years will be transferred to continental Europe to work in German industry.

Hitler and women

Eva Braun was almost official girlfriend of Hitler and what was known by many as such. When the state visited by foreign authorities, she was not allowed to stay in the room. Only Hitler's associates knew what was happening. Another important woman in the life of Hitler was the daughter in law of Wagner, whose proposed marriage several times, but got its refusal. Hitler, who was passionate about was astounded by Winifred Wagner, when met at a concert in 1925. They bind friendships and during the time that he was in prison, she sent him letters that he used to write "Mein Kampf ". After the death of her husband Siegfried Wagner, Hitler twice proposed to her marriage, but she refused.


We all have in mind an image of the role of scientists in Nazi Germany: bad, laboratory hidden figure, who spent time performing horrible experiments mostly meaningless to people in concentration camps, just to completed their wild impulses, and to create weapons of mass destruction for Hitler. Dr. Josef Mengele considered himself as a normal scientist, develop workshops to discuss his experiments, receive funds from the institute "Kaiser Wilhelm" in Berlin and regularly reported to his teacher, the renowned scientist, Otmar von Verschuer. Mengele studies in Aushivc testify how his system worked. His experiments were aimed at was a contribution to his second doctorate "Habilitation", in which everyone had to qualify German academics, in order to qualify to teach in the university.

Under the guidance of Verschuer, he chose to twin the Jews reached the camp and inject them different chemicals, to see if they react differently. He collected prisoners with physical cene, to investigate if their condition was hereditary. He treated Roma and other children for illnesses that were related to urine, using vitamins and other substances, to see if there were hereditary differences in their response to therapy.

 Mengele's work was pure research, without any practical application. He got his bad fame tendency to kill his subjects under certain circumstances, such as to resolve an argument over diagnosis, killing patients and performing autopsy. However, many survivors will remember him, not for experiments, as for his conduct brutal and merciless in the camp hospital, where he frequently consigned sick in the gas chamber. But Mengele was only one of the scientists in Nazi Germany, who perform such experiments on human subjects, against their will. Karl Gebhardt and Fritz Fischer was injected female prisoner camp "Ravensbrück" harmful microbes. They tested new drugs to prisoners, presenting the results at a scientific conference. Many such projects created as a practical contribution to the German war effort.

In a series of camps, SS doctors used inmates to test treatments for injuries in the fight, being cut calves and sewing bits of glass or wood with the plague bacteria, sometimes by prisoners tharmuar bones with hammers, for to create a realistic effect; in this case, the results were presented at a scientific conference. Perhaps the most enthusiastic user of human bodies for experiments was young SS doctor Sigmund Rascher, who was using prisoners in the camp "Dachau" to test the response of the human body to rapid pressure reduction and the absence of oxygen, in an attempt to help pilots forced to parachute out of planes at high altitudes. He called some of his experiments sessions "terminal experiments." He had measured the time that his subjects to die, as was thinned gradually air.

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