Friday, May 15, 2015

Mysterious Places in the world

Mysterious countries in the world are many, and each country has its own mysterious story, which is indicated by one generation to another. Famous magazine "Forbes" has taken the initiative to do an analysis of which countries are puzzling, based on real facts and irrefutable evidence.

Zone 51

A more modern, but retains an extraordinary charm: Area 51 in Nevada. The territory of the United States is an area of "top-secret", where nobody, except members of the US military can not enter. According to legend, this is where the US government has or has had contact with extraterrestrials, who are kept confidential public for various reasons. Among other things, according to one of the most famous theories of UFO conspiracy in 1947, after the explosion of a space rocket UFO in Rosuell, in New Mexico, the remnants of the rocket and the crew were transported precisely in Zone 51 .

Ueçester Country

Among the areas most puzzling is Ueçester Kauntri, in upstate New York, where the writer Washington Irving decided to establish his "Legend of Sleepy Hollow"; It said that in these territories still wanders a knight at night, looking head lost in combat. Every year from 26 to 28 October there is an event acting, where actors recreate again this mysterious story.

Australian Montekristoja

Invernes lake in Scotland, known for the presence of Locke Ness monster. The first appearance of this monster dates back to the 6th century BC, but even today there are many tourists who show that they have seen signs of its presence in the lake. Classification of the most mysterious and closed Montekristo Homsted Xhuni city in Australia. According to legend, in this place are the ghosts of ten people who once lived and then died here. Among them is the girl haunted house owner, Christopher William Krauli, it's a pregnant kameriereje jumped from the balcony and a gardener.

Bran Castle

The country that wins this unusual classification is Bran Castle in Brasov, Romania. Legend tells that in this country lived bloodier Vladi, who BRAM STOKER encouraged in the 1800s to write the novel "Dracula". Vladi was a terrible leader, to kill suspected enemies and traitors of his less orthodox ways. Today, the castle was converted into a museum, but according to the magazine "Forbes", it did not rid the castle no mystery that surrounded him beforehand: "If you walk in the castle rooms, - writes magazine - can rethink trials against witches, beheaded executions and hangings in the rope, that Vladi ordered by these walls ".
Tower of London

Tower of London. Established in 1078 by Vilhelm Conqueror, from hundreds of years she is described as a place of souls: one of these stories tells that even today the ghost of Anna Bolenës night, second wife of Henrikut VIII who was killed inside these walls, walks into rooms tower with the severed head in his hands, looking for her husband traitor, who killed him, only because he wanted to marry another woman.
Catacombs of Paris

The most mysterious of the world are Catacombs of Paris, even those located near the city center and there are skeletons of Parisians who have lived in centuries past. In the twentieth century and returned to the museum are many visitors who say that in some cases have seen ghosts or heard screams of people dead.

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