Thursday, May 14, 2015

50 facts about UFOs and their appearance on Earth

We live in what is called planet Earth. But since antiquity until today man has not stopped the curiosity to know what outside our planet. Is there other life in the galaxy, or even more than that, what are these beings and how to communicate with them. For this purpose in today's supplement to "Tirana Observer" will publish 50 facts from UFOs or unidentified flying objects and extraterrestrial inhabitants that we know by name aliens, facts starting from the most fantastic and almost unbelievable. We start with what scientists have called one of the greatest evidence and convincing associated with an alien autopsy in 1947. It is about the incident "Roswell", which is the subject of endless speculation and question marks. There are still many different theories about what happened in Roswell in New Mexico, where many people claim to have found the wreckage of a crashed UFO on the ground and an autopsy is performed extraterrestrial beings, which are displayed shots or even the fact that until today are millions of cases that have been seen and are filmed UFO visits. The data show that more aliens and UFOs have been seen in the US, Russia, England and Belgium, but according to the UFO, it depends on the interest of the people to be careful in distinguishing the UFO. Believed to have been developed or that we or less developed. Their technology is certainly more advanced than ours as long as they manage to do so frequent visits to our planet, but scientists who believe in their existence they are not superior to us as human. But how it is built their body and communicate with each other. Who are the most famous people who have seen UFOs by President Jimmy Carter, Muhammad Ali, John Lennon, Mick Jacker. And finally the evidence and strong statements brought out the first man landed on the moon, Armstrong Nail. He has a full conviction that aliens exist and conspiracy not only is that man has visited the moon, because there already aliens have a very strong base. The data for the design of 50 facts about UFOs are taken to the website,

1. UFOs are the initials of the words in English Unidentified Flying Object which means in English "unidentified flying object".

2. The aliens are being, or so counterparts, residents thought that living space in our solar system or other galaxies.

3. In recent years the number of occurrence of UFO thought that counted in the millions, every year there are several thousand reports of sighting, and according to surveys, only a small percentage of people have encountered such a phenomenon report.

4. So far, countries that are deemed featuring UFOs are the US, Russia, France, Belgium, Argentina, Australia, England etc.

5. Scientists think that there are people on a planet, the other who either are more developed than us or less developed. Certainly in terms of technology, they are more advanced than we are, but according to scientists, are not superior to human beings.

6. It is thought that there are several types of aliens, but the best known are those gray, who have little body, with a length as almost half of the body of a normal person. H grid are color hairless skin.

7. gray alien head is composed of two large eyes and black along with two sharp ears of bounds. There have nose, but in its place are two holes.

8. Another type alien called "aliens Aryan" called by that name because it is assumed that resemble the appearance of the Nordic people. They are thought to come from the constellation of Taurus.

9. According to the UFO, aliens Nordic thought to have human appearance, with white skin and pale, colorless lips and hair very yellow, almost white. They are very white and tall and very handsome.

10. It seems that there is a separation ndëroqeanike alien. In the US 75 percent of cases, people report that they have seen a gray alien, while in Europe the biggest ones reporting dealing with Nordic aliens.

11. "space brothers" or "space people" different from other aliens because of their human appearance and good intentions, according to witnesses who claim that claim to have contact with them.
12. "Anromedanë" is the name that was given to a group of aliens who according to the UFO from the Andromeda galaxy.

13. If the basic element of the human body is carbon to silicon is thought aliens.

14. According to experts aliens do not speak a particular language, but communicate via ultrasound.

15. The movement means have the shape of a saucer, with the tip in the form of the toy or in the form of a propulsion drive without visible or audible. Some other UFO objects are thought to have the shape of a cigar without bright window

16. According to unconfirmed reports so far, the first two astronauts stepping on the moon, Neil Armstrong and Edwin "Buzz" Aldrin saw UFOs shortly after their historic breach on the surface of the moon with "Apollo 11", on July 21, 1969 .

17. The term UFO instead of the "UFO" was first suggested in 1952 by Captain Edward J.Ruppelt first director of the "Blue Book".

19. Russian scientists assumed that they were the first to confirm the face of astronauts on the moon on UFOs. Physicist and mathematics professor at the University of Moscow Vladimir Azhazha stated "According to our information Neil Armstrong sent a message to Mission Control that two large objects are observing them as they were sitting on the moon. But the message was not heard by the public because it was never censured by NASA.

20. Specialist for items found on Monday, Richard Hoagland stated that NASA is still trying to mask photographic materials before they are published.

21. According to another Russian scientist, Dr.Alekandr Kazantsev, the astronaut who landed on the moon together with Armstrong, Buzz Aldrin had come out on the surface of the moon. Dr.Azhazha claims that the UFOs departed minutes after the astronauts took to the moon surface.

22. The National Conference on 21 March 1996, scientists and engineers of NASA who attended the exploration of the moon and Mars reported the results of their discovery. It was announced for the first time for structures and objects found on the moon. They spoke carefully. They spoke carefully about these items without mentioning UFOs.

23. According to some investigators extraterrestrial phenomena is part and Richard Hoagland, an extraterrestrial race has used Monday as terminal station during their activity on the ground.

24. According to unconfirmed evidence, when the crew of "Apollo 12" landed on the moon they saw that is monitored by a semi-transparent object shaped pyramid. According to this evidence this object hung a few meters above the surface of the moon and shining with all colors of the rainbow in the sky black background.

25. search before the Nazi flying saucers appeared in a series of articles by expert Italian Giuseppe Belluzo turbines in 1950

26. In 1967, a book written by Louis Jacques Bergier contained Paulwes and spectacular statements on secret society "Vril" Berlin. Many later writers, as Jan van Helsing, Norbert JURGEN Ratthor and Vladimir Terziski have built their work connected society "Vril" UFOs.

27. boxing champion Muhammad Ali is said to have seen UFOs on several occasions. One of those cases was when he was being trained in "Central Park" in New York with his manager. According to Ali, he raised his head up in the sky and saw a bright light, which move in parallel.

28. The singer of the group "The Rolling Stones' Mick Jagger claims to have seen UFOs several times throughout his life. One of these cases was when he was singing at a concert in California. He was so convinced of the presence of aliens, that his house has installed a UFO reconnaissance.

29. The most famous incident related to UFOs is that of Roswell, which is the subject of endless speculation and question marks. There still are many theories about what happened in Roswell in New Mexico in 1947, where many people claim to have found the wreckage of a crashed UFO on the ground and autopsies of extraterrestrial existence.

30. The year 1952 was an exceptional year in the history of American capital Washington DC. He is considered as the year with the highest number of UFO's. At that time flying saucers were spread throughout the world, including the US.

31. incident "Keckburg" is another event quite famous in terms UFO. In Keksburg, Pennsylvania, on December 9, 1956 a huge tangle of flaming was seen by thousands of people in six US states and Ontario, Canada. By this mess were broken metal pieces fell over Michigan and Ohio. Press was reported as a meteor.

32. "Rendlesham Forest Incident" is the name that is given to a series of reports on the emergence of unexplained lights and lowering an extraterrestrial object in Rendlesham forest England, at the end of December 1980. It is perhaps the most famous event of UFOs that happened in England, as compared with US Roswellit event.

33. The first astronaut who has stepped on the moon, Neil Armstrong said in October 1999: "If we rely on the best information you have, we conclude that ... life exists somewhere in space, maybe in many countries. While Musgrove astronaut Storey said: "If you rely on statistics, it is certain that there cilivizime, intelligence and extremely advanced life forms in space. I think they are so advanced that they make interstellar travel. I think it is possible and that they have violated here.

34. Former CIA Director Roscoe said Hillenkoetter on August 22, 1960: "It's time for the truth to emerge ... behind the scenes high ranking officers of the air force are concerned about UFOs, but through official secrecy and ridicule have made many citizens come to believe that the flying objects are nonsense. I am encouraging immediate action by Congress to reduce the risks arising from holding secret unidentified flying objects. "

35. People who claim to have had contact with UFOs describe these objects as large, with a diameter of about 30 meters or more, with piecemeal rotary and colorful lights. Details on earth UFOs are transplants form found in those who claim to have been abducted by extraterrestrials, the circles in wheat fields and cattle mutilations.

36. In 1948 the US Air Force (Air Force) creates project "Sing" as first officers investigating UFOs. Donald Keyhoe's article in the magazine "True" was the first report in a major journal for the existence of UFOs and that the US government was carrying hidden information.

37. According to a survey conducted in 2002 by the TV channel "Scifi", one in seven US states that had to do or know someone who has had a UFO experience. Much of the first UFO allegedly day geometric shapes oval, cylindrical and surface that look like metal.

38. In 1965, the FBI received information from a reliable source that a NASA informant giving them confidential information about UFOs extraterrestrials two researchers in Pittsburgh, USA. FBI files showed that NASA data carrying sects film about UFOs and that people had no information that the pilot of the capsule "Gemini 4" James McDivitt, had confirmed that during the first mission in orbit was "unidentified objects".

39. While there are numerous reports and speculation, some experts to support the theories of UFOs, stated that currently can not say with certainty what the planets or star systems, where there is life. While UFO observation and interaction with the land is probably old, activity has increased during World War II and in the wake of "nuclear era".

40. According to the researcher Steven M.Greer, extraterrestrial biological entities are more advanced than humans in many ways, but not superior to human beings. A common point of people with these extraterrestrial beings is our common existence of intelligent beings consciously.

41. In 1979, former chief of NASA Communications System's, Chatelaine Maurice confirmed that Armstrong had indeed reported that he saw two UFOs on the edge of a crater. Astronomer Clyde Tombaugh, who admitted that he had seen six UFOs, including the three green fierce tangle support extraterrestrial hypothesis for UFOs and stated that the scientists who reject without studying were "unscientific".

42. In 1967, the Greek physicist Paul Santorini, a scientist of the project "Manhattan" said publicly that a Greek government inquiry in 1947, which was related to "the European missile ghost", is put to the conclusion that they were not missiles. Santorini claimed the investigation was canceled by US military officials, who knew that it was about aliens and there was a fear of panic if the results made public.

43. In 1958 in Brazil Viri principal investigator of UFOs, Dr.Olavo T.Fuentes wrote a letter to the American group of UFO "APRO", which reported the information he received from two Brazilian naval intelligence officers. According to Fuentes, any government or army in the world was aware that UFOs were extraterrestrial objects.

44. Some European countries have conducted a joint study secret in 1954, which concluded that UFOs were extraterrestrial. This study was discovered by German pioneer rocketeer, Hermann Oberth, a member of the study group. In an official letter addressed to the director of the FBI, which was dated January 13, 1949, states "the issue of unidentified flying objects or unidentified aerial phenomena, known as" flying discs "or" tangle of fire "considered" top secret "

45. Jean Jacques Velasco, head of the French official investigation of UFOs "SEPR" wrote a book in 2005 which said that 14 percent of those surveyed 5800 from "SEPR" were unexplained and extraterrestrial origin. Apart visual performances, UFO cases ever quit and physical evidence including many cases studied by various agencies of different countries.

46. ​​Some of the experts who advocate the existence of extraterrestrial theories involving American astronomer James C.Barlett, Belgian physicist Maurice A.Biot, astronoautin Gordon Cooper, NASA engineer Raul R. Hill, Admiral Lord Hill-Norton, former -Head of the defense staff, the former head of NATO etc.

47. On July 7, 1947, William Rhodes photographed an unusual object over Phoenix, Arizona. Pictures appeared in newspapers and by the documents of the "Bluebook" and Rhodes claims that were contacted by some agents of the FBI, who listened to deliver negatives.

48. On 27 June 1950, a newspaper photographer "Louisville Courier-Journal" filmed a "UFO" on Luisvill, Kentucky. Files in a later interview confirmed that he met with military intelligence and that until then had movie, but refused to say what happened after the meeting.

49. The study by US forces has shown that the puzzling reports on UFOs come from people have high technical training, as pilots, astronauts, etc. Worldwide there evidence of extraterrestrial objects fallen, according to the UFO are several secret societies, which are intended to prevent the spread of information.

50. Former US president Jimmy Carter said that he saw UFO when he was governor of Virginia. For about 10 minutes, he and a group of other people have seen some strange lights in the sky, which then approached the fleeing them.

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